Welcome to your exclusive guide on why your Amazon Germany FBA account registration got rejected. Don’t fret! We’ve got you covered. Within the article, you will get to know the key reasons why Amazon applications usually face rejection. Apart from learning, wouldn’t it be great if you could avoid these issues in the future? Well, you’re lucky! Because we are going to do precisely that!
Plan to succeed with us as we delve into the major points. We will provide comprehensive information about what might have gone wrong and how to correct these errors moving forward.
Who Is This For
This informative guide seeks to help out two categories of people: New sellers on Amazon Germany/Europe who want to apply and rejected sellers.
For the new sellers, we have the tips to help you apply once and get approved. We will show you the pitfalls to avoid, along with insights into how successful sellers have made their way. For the second category of readers (rejected sellers) we will try to decipher why your application was rejected. I understand how disappointing it is to get that rejection email. What makes it even worse is that they do not provide any info about what caused your rejection. Instead, the email states they cannot state the exact reason from the start.
Whatever your case, I am here with an effective solution to help you out once and for all.
4 Reasons Why You Got Rejected and How to Avoid Them
Before I proceed to explain each of these reasons, it would be helpful to have a bit of a back story on how Amazon works. Amazon uses AI to accept or reject sellers. To understand this concept, think of Amazon as a huge AI robot that has been trained to either accept or reject applications based on the information provided. Basically, this robot matches the info you input on Amazon against those that you uploaded. Any discrepancies will result in rejection.
You should also understand that there is no way to know the exact reason why applications get rejected. However, we can make educated guesses on why applications get rejected. I am in a good position to make this educated guess because I have handled many applications, and I have learned from past mistakes.
1. Name of the Business Representative Not Matching
When you are applying for Amazon Seller Central, you need to select the type of business you want to work with. I usually recommend that you apply as a sole proprietor (Einzelunternehmer). In that case, the name of the business will be your name. For instance, if you are John Doe, John Doe will be the name of the business.
So, when you are inputting the name of the representative of the business, you need to enter the name as it appears on the passport. Any slightest variation in the name you provide against the name provided in the Passport will result in a rejection.
2. Address Stated Not Matching Address on Bank Statement or Credit Card Statement
Remember the robot checking for any slightest variations in the data provided? Well, that is what happens here.
If you input your address as “1234, Living Avenue Street, 22109, Frankfurt.” The address provided in the bank statement or credit card statement must be exactly that. No variations! Whatever document you will also upload must have that address. If not, the AI robot will quickly pick you out and write you a general email that your application has been rejected.
A common issue I see here, especially in Germany, is that sometimes we have symbols that cannot or can be written. Sometimes, those symbols can be replaced with letters.
For instance, a name such as Strasse. It can be written as Straße or Strasse. Here is the tip, Write the way it appears in your bank statement or credit card statement. If it is Straße with the Eszett symbol, write it as such. If it is Strasse, write it as such.
3. The Copy of Passport or ID Uploaded Is Not Accepted
We have all taken photos of a document and it turns out blurry or too bright. Amazon AI will quickly reject your application if you have such a document.
As such, I highly recommend that you scan your documents as PDFs. Yes, the platform accepts images, but from my experience, I can tell that the system is better at reading PDFs. This was one of the mistakes of one of my students. When we scanned the document, the application was quickly accepted and my student is on track to make thousands of sales this year.
4. Language of Your Document Not Accepted
Here are the supported languages: Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
If your document is not in these languages, you must submit a notarized translation in a supported language alongside the original document. I had a student with his documents in Norwegian. Well, Norwegian isn’t one of the approved languages. He had to ask his bank to provide him with a statement written in English with a Logo on it. The application was accepted.
One Last Tip
If you have made an application and got rejected, then resubmitted your documents and got rejected again, I suggest it is time to start a new application altogether, but with a new email. Sometimes you will never get to understand why one application was rejected, yet another similar application was approved. Either way, why stress yourself fighting a losing battle?
When you make a new application, keep an eye on the pain points identified in this article and avoid the pitfalls. Within 24 hours, you should get an email flagging you off to a successful venture at Amazon.
Looking for an even better alternative? I have an even better strategy for you down below!
Need Assistance?
Why reinvent the wheel, when people out there have mastered the art and made wheels that can land a jumbojet with hundreds of people and thousands of tons on board?
To help you out, I provide VIP mentorship via email and Zoom. If you want to learn from an expert and have your way to success in your Amazon venture, I am here to help you out. If that is the case, sign up via the form below and I will promptly get back to you and help you get started.
Wrapping Up
In conclusion, we’ve taken you on an insightful journey through the key reasons why your Amazon Germany FBA account registration may have been rejected. Receiving that rejection email can be disheartening, especially when it lacks specific details on the cause. But fear not, as we’ve provided valuable information to help you navigate this challenging process and increase your chances of success in the future.
If you’re seeking more personalized assistance and expert guidance, we offer VIP mentorship via email and Zoom to help you achieve success on your Amazon venture. Feel free to reach out, and we’ll be delighted to assist you on your journey.
In the world of Amazon FBA, perseverance and a commitment to improvement are key. With the knowledge gained from this guide and a determination to overcome obstacles, you’re well on your way to achieving success as an Amazon seller in Germany and Europe. Best of luck on your entrepreneurial journey, and may your future endeavors be prosperous and fulfilling!